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Harley Guy

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Harley Guy Empty Harley Guy

Post  Doc Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:53 pm

A woman goes to her doctor's office, to
discuss a strange development.
She has discovered a green spot on the
inside of each thigh. They won't
wash off, they won't scrape off, and
they seem to be getting worse.

The doctor assures her he'll get to the
bottom of the problem, tells her not to worry
until he gets the tests back.

A few days later, the woman's phone
rings.. Much to her relief, it's the doctor.
She immediately begs to know what's
causing the spots. The doctor says, 'You're perfectly
healthy--there' s no problem. But I'm wondering, was
your boyfriend that Harley guy in the waiting room?'

The woman stammers, 'Why, Yes, but how
did you know?'

Tell him his earrings aren't real gold.
Road Captain

Posts : 1052
Join date : 2010-09-09
Age : 70
Location : NE Okla.

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